Individual Whip Swap for 2016 (not the official annual whip)

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Rachel McCollough
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Post by Rachel McCollough »

Scott that wasn't directed at you at all :)
This is a project that has been "on" for quite some time. A lot of things have happened in everyone's life this last two years, but I just wanted to say that the holdup has not really been with Tyler. That weight of responsibility, in my opinion, should not rest on him.
That was all :)

Really, no heat in my comment to anyone at all, I just wanted to clearly state that. Tyler is #1 honorable. That is all I meant, and I didn't see your comment Scott, until after I had hit submit!

I hate that text cannot clearly convey undertones and nuances in speech. Scott, I apologize if that sounded sharp at all- I don't spotlight or call out folks ever. If I do, there's almost always a password or two involved so it would be really clear... :)

That is a very kind thing for you to offer, Scott.
Personally, I appreciate it and it shows your character. You've done everything you can to help since joining WB. I appreciate your integrity. That's what it is all about, and that's what I want to facilitate here.
Thank you, Scott.
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Brandon "Sparky" Lam
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Post by Brandon "Sparky" Lam »

Ohh I see Rachel.
If it's knots that need to be done, I'd love to maybe offer my help? But I only worry because shipping to and from Australia is quite annoyingly expensive most of the time, so yeah :P
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Rachel McCollough
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Post by Rachel McCollough »

Sorry, one too many cups of tea and I talk and type faster than I think. Not always a good idea :)
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Rachel McCollough
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Post by Rachel McCollough »

Brandon thanks, no it is a layer of a special thin flat material, then overlay and knots.
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Brandon "Sparky" Lam
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Post by Brandon "Sparky" Lam »

Ahh I see, well I'd still love to help if there's anything I can do to help complete that project :)
Give a man a fire and he's warm for the day. But set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.
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Rachel McCollough
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Post by Rachel McCollough »

Autocorrectosarus strikes again.
I apologize if that sounded sharp at all- I don't spotlight or call out folks ever. If I do, there's almost always a password or two involved so it would be really clear...
Password=cussword, obviously ;)
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Rachel McCollough
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Post by Rachel McCollough »

Thank you Sparky :)
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Robby Amper
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Post by Robby Amper »

Rachel, you have every right to say what you think. Even if it may sound sharp. Just for the records. You were the one who made the whip for Jeff, when he was screwd by that guy who took my DVDs and never sent the whip to Jeff. And when you write that that Tyler is #1 honorable, I second that.

What is fascinating to me - how many excuses are found every time someone is held responsible for anything. Even if they admit that they should've done this and/or that - the next thing is that there were/are a whole lot of problems with this and/or that. Private problems, emotional problems, job problems, religious problems, neighborhood problems, food problems, headphone problems, shoe problems and, and, and. I am knee deep in trouble and problems for the last few month. But I draw a line between my private problems and the community. And I know others, who do, too. Others use their problems as excuse for all and everything. Everything is the fault of others. Never their own. I better stop, now.

By the way - we're down to 37 in the meantime. I closed two more accounts.

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Rachel McCollough
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Post by Rachel McCollough »

Robby, thanks :)
I just wanted Scott to know what I said had nothing to do with him or was aimed at him in any way ;)
And that the holdup was not due to Tyler :)
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Scott A. Cary
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Post by Scott A. Cary »

Rachel, I didn't take it as sharp at all. I just saw you sticking up for a good guy, and there's never a need to apologize for that. I agree that typed text doesn't alway convey what we want to (add in that we are a global community and not everyone speaks the same language and its a wonder we don't have more problems). I must admit that since joining the group, I have often wished there were a way to do this community discussion more real-time. Wouldn't it be great if we were all sitting around in a big room having a chat? Please pass the coffee! ;)
I'll give it a try, Dad, but it's going to be really hard...kind of like trying to saw something in half using a banana.
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Rachel McCollough
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Post by Rachel McCollough »

Good deal, Scott ;)
Now that would be a howlin' good time around the round table, Pass the Coffee!
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Robby Amper
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Post by Robby Amper »

Pass it? No way. I drink it :D

I have a screwdriver. I am Legend...
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Rachel McCollough
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Post by Rachel McCollough »

Robby Amper wrote:Pass it? No way. I drink it :D

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Ron May
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Post by Ron May »

Robby, :D

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Scott A. Cary
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Post by Scott A. Cary »

I usually drink it too, Robby, but for this group I might even share! ;)
I'll give it a try, Dad, but it's going to be really hard...kind of like trying to saw something in half using a banana.
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