Article in a german Lifestyle magazine

The GEAR magazine is for all outdoors and adventurer stuff. This time about whips.
Michael Lorimer-George


Post by Michael Lorimer-George »


The magazine looks very well produced, super professional, it would be great if i could read what it says.

Please could i know what the Exo-Whip section review say?

Master Robby, are you Actor/Movie Star Celebrity Or Producer of TV & Films in Germany?

Thank you for reading and i looking forward to hearing from you.
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Robby Amper
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Post by Robby Amper »


Dear Michael,

tha article is from german magazine and it's really very well made. About the exo whips it says principly the same what I tell all the time. That Tyler Blake is a very good whipmaker. I'm afraid there's no english translation of all that. But I try, to give whip cracking a positive and sportive image.

And - no, I'm not a movie star. I'm actor and director, and I'm on tv every now and then, but I'm glad that I now work mostly behind the camera. Actually I'm working in a studio which localizes all music and sung material in movies and tv shows. Like Phineas and Ferb, Pirates of the acribbean and - our latest job - The Hobbit.

I watched the vid you sent me. I'll send you pm on that, okay?

Take care,
I have a screwdriver. I am Legend...
Russell Jones


Post by Russell Jones »

I know it was a while back, but it's a nice looking article. I might have to get the google translator out on this!
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Ethan Mitchell
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Post by Ethan Mitchell »

Just read the translation critically. Google is not always quite right. :p
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