All our little friends who need our help...

I started a charity auction for a dog shelter. Here you find the details.
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Tyler Blake
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Post by Tyler Blake »

That's Awesome :) ! I had no idea what amount we might come up with, but I hadn't imagined it would be that high.
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Devin Bauer


Post by Devin Bauer »

Glad to hear we came up with a nice amount. I like the idea of supporting greyhounds as mentioned in the other thread.
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Roy Partin
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Post by Roy Partin »

It's a great feeling when a plan works out for a good cause. Way to work together as a team!
He died for me, I'll live for him
Lasse Carenvall


Post by Lasse Carenvall »

Coming “up to the surface” again after an unusually bad period with my knees I would like to make a small comment to the discussion about animal shelters we had a while ago, and show you this little clip. One Friday afternoon he came to my wife´s work (she is a veterinary nurse). He was scheduled to be euthanized, because his owner was unable to get him housebroken (which was hardly surprising, considering that she lives on the 4:th floor without an elevator, and has some difficulties in moving due to back problems). After several months of trying, she couldn´t take it anymore and could not find anyone who was prepared to take him in instead of her.

So, here he was, barely 8 months old and due to get euthanized for something it was possible to correct! To make a long story short, my wife called me on the phone and said “He has to have an honest chance!” This would not be the first time we have stepped in as an “emergency home” like that (a couple have come to stay, but in general they have moved on). So, she offered the owner that we could take him in, literally while the injection was being prepared in another room.

Our original plan was to assess if he could be housebroken, and find him a new home. Well, things turned out differently. He totally charmed us! He bothers the cats by trying to make them play, and if that cannot be stopped he will have to move on – but for the foreseeable future he lives with us. He has been with us for a month by now, and… well, he seems to have adjusted fairly good! (And I would say housebroken to 95% - meaning no "accidents" for quite a while, but we still have to be extra observant)

Anyway, what I wanted to say is that nobody can save the world, or even the cats & dogs of this world – but everybody can do a little something. And for those who receive that help and get a second chance, it makes a whole world of difference. ...

PS: He really is cute, isn´t he?

PPS: Stray dogs is not much of a problem in Sweden, so we don´t have as many shelters as in other places.
Last edited by Lasse Carenvall on Wed 23. Apr 2014, 21:53, edited 1 time in total.
Josee Richard


Post by Josee Richard »

What a lovely story Lasse, glad the little guy found someone to give him a second chance . I cant see the video though, it's marked private.
Lasse Carenvall


Post by Lasse Carenvall »

Tried to fix the settings, hope the link works now.
Last edited by Lasse Carenvall on Wed 23. Apr 2014, 21:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Robby Amper
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Post by Robby Amper »

Ah, I don't like dogs... ;) I'm happy to see that. For all of you!
If only a few more people would think - and act! - like that.

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Jonathan Lewis


Post by Jonathan Lewis »

That's great Lasse! And what an awesome little dog.
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Robert Gage
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Post by Robert Gage »

What a great little chap! I hope he can get on with the cats....
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Lasse Carenvall


Post by Lasse Carenvall »

Our cats are (quite obviously) used to dogs, so they don´t get afraid, just stressed. They are starting to tell the dog off, so I have good hopes that the problem will be solved in time. A straight punch (or two) between the eyes from one of the cats is worth ten of the times I tell him to leave them alone.

He is also, btw, working as a PT (Personal Trainer) for me! It is extremely important that I keep mobile and don´t let the knees get too stiff. On a cold, cloudy, rainy day it is really hard to motivate myself to have a walk several times a day. Well, let´s just say that someone who says "Hey, man, if I don´t get out often enough I´ll pee on the rug!" is quite motivating! :D

Last edited by Lasse Carenvall on Thu 24. Apr 2014, 08:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Robert Gage
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Post by Robert Gage »

One of the great things about dogs is that they ENJOY BEING USEFUL!
'Less is often more!'
Terry Shaw


Post by Terry Shaw »

Lasse! Thank you for introducing us to the little fella! What a cute thing! Bouncing and full of life. And as a lover of dogs, thank you goes out to you and your wife. Thank you for saving his life.

Given enough time the dog and the cats should be able to work out their relationships.

My wife is a dog groomer and has been one for just past 20 years. There's been a few times when someone would bring a dog in to be groomed and then abandon it at the shop. Then my wife, soft hearted as she is, would bring the dog home because... well someone needs to look after it! We've had our share of rescues. Cats can be fine companions, but a dog knows how to show love in such an honest fashion. Glad you've got a new family member.

Josee Richard


Post by Josee Richard »

Ooh ! He's a gorgeous boy ,so full of life .He's sure to bring new life in your household.
Derek Pulsifer


Post by Derek Pulsifer »

If I miss this, email me before you get angry lol the absolute best way to contact me in emergency is my work email but I do not use it for general thing's.

David Cross


Post by David Cross »

Lasse, all our pets were acquired in similar fashion. We try to find their owners, but no one responds. I'm certainly not going to allow them to be put down, simply because their owners dumped them on the side of the road.

I can't donate, but I do my part in my own way. This little house of ours is quickly becoming an unofficial rescue.
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