Where are the whips...???

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Tyler Blake
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Post by Tyler Blake »

No need to apologize for that Robby! Fritz has received my whip, last I heard from him he hadn't had a chance to crack it much though.
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Fritz Ehlers


Post by Fritz Ehlers »

Yes, I did receive it and used the same box it came with to ship my whip to Robert. :)
Weather allowing I'll give it a crack this weekend and shoot a quick video.
It's my first pipe-whip and a beauty. Feel nice and the weight is well balanced too.
But proof is in the pudding as it were so stay tuned, I'll have an update soon.
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Robert Gage
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Post by Robert Gage »

It was a wonderfully stout box! :)
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Jessie Edwards
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Post by Jessie Edwards »

I have a weakness for sexy boxes myself...
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Robert Gage
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Post by Robert Gage »

At last: here's a report on the whip I won from Fritz in the dog shelter auction. (Fritz had problems with the handle: the situation was eventually saved - unknown to me - by the excellent Roy Partin. Fritz then sent me the whip, but almost at once - for reasons Forum members will know - I wasn't able to use my hand for a while. But now....)

Here are two photos taken today:



But my photos aren't as good as those posted by Fritz on Aug. 18th: http://s1155.photobucket.com/user/Fritzfactor/library/

Fritz also posted a video (something technologically beyond me): https://youtu.be/IFsr7LsHKKU

This morning I spent some time giving this whip a good workout. Here's what I've written to Fritz:

I like this whip a lot!

It's going to take a while to break it in properly, due to how the stiffness of the thong continues right down its length. The transition from the handle is good, but I'm not sure the stiffness there is any greater than it is a foot or so farther down. Time will tell. (And, of course, with a wooden handle, there's inevitably a fairly sharp 'join' between thong and handle, which puts a lot of strain on the thong at the 'join'.) I think you've put just the right length fall on it.

Overall, it's quite heavy (I like that!) with the weight is carried down a long way. It travels straight and true - and of course that coral pattern looks absolutely magic in flight!

The one thing I'm not quite sure about (it's probably just a matter of getting used to it) has to do with Roy's splendid handle. It looks fabulous, and the 'RG' makes it very special. It's just the right length, and just the right weight - but, on a relatively heavy bullwhip like this, I miss having a heel knot in my palm. Of course, when my hand is back to normal, that may be less of an issue. It's not really an issue now - but I did notice it. (As I think about it, I just wonder: given the weight of the thong, the handle might benefit by having some kind of weighted knob at the end. That might balance the thong better, as well as giving me a better grip. I'll experiment with something easily removable, when I can think what to use.)

But all in all, it's a very good whip! I like it very much indeed, and look forward to a lot of play! Thank you!
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Tyler Blake
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Post by Tyler Blake »

Gorgeous :)
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Robert Gage
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Post by Robert Gage »

Thanks, Tyler! Your approbation means a lot! :)
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Jessie Edwards
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Post by Jessie Edwards »

I like the snake pattern. I love a colorful whip.
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David Cross


Post by David Cross »

That does look good. I don't know if I'll ever try a coral snake pattern or not, but, if I do, I want it to come out this well!
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Tyler Blake
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Post by Tyler Blake »

I have always admired the coral snake pattern, I think that's the best use of the "v pattern" style.
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Jeff Roseborough
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Post by Jeff Roseborough »

Beautiful work. I really love that pattern!
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Post by Rachel McCollough »

Thank you Mr.Robert for the update!
It is such a pleasure to see a beauty like this!
Thank you Fritz for the video! That's really nice!
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Post by Roy Partin »

Thanks for the pics Mr Robert. I am honored to be involved with that whip. Fritz did a beautiful job on that pattern.
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Robert Gage
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Post by Robert Gage »

And you did a very fine job on that handle, Roy! It makes me grin every time I pick it up! :)
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