Ben! Du wurden--ed(?) da! Screw it. I suck. You didn't hear the story? Robby had me tell it several times. Basically this: The Schwan's guy is the ice cream man that goes door to door selling ice cream and other treats here in the area. I was telling this story to Robby, explaining that the kids get all excited and run outside when the Schwan's guy shows up. Robby looks at me with this freaked out face and says, WHAT!? The WHAT GUY!??? Kids run after the WHAT GUY!???
And that's when I learned what "Schwanz" meant.

It was kind of like Spanish class that one time...and I cut my finger on some paper and I wanted to go to the bathroom and wash it and I said my finger was cut...the teacher said, "Jessie, use your Spanish. Say it in Spanish"... So I said (using the only words I knew), "Mi dedo esta pene." I was
trying to say that my finger was in attempts at foreign language studies always seem to end in crotch jokes

Due to rising costs, dirty deeds are no longer done dirt cheap.